Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Show and Tell

Dear Mom,
So much going on, so much to share...
First let me say that Melissa, who is the proprietess of the Best Yarn Shop in My Whole World - I would say The Whole World, but I haven't seen all the yarn shops...yet- shared this recipe for shortbread on her blog last week.
It is the Best Shortbread. Ever. Easy. Quick.I even made mine with the healthy Smart Balance Buttery Sticks and the shortbread is still delicious.

I am finishing a third pair of Duffers, which will be gifted. This reminds me that the second pair I made were also gifted and now that the giftee has received her pair I can show those too.
pair #2
pair #3...I'm tempted to keep these!

That sweater I've been working on? Still knitting.

We should have the Young Lady all moved in to her new bedroom this evening. At least we should have the furniture in place. It will probably take a few days of living in it before we hang anything on the walls. And depending on when that happens and when I get good light will dictate when I can take pictures of After.
For now, I can give you a little peak. We My Hero hung the curtains last night.

We liked the idea of individual hooks rather than a rod for the tab curtains. I think it was the right decision.
Can't wait to show you the rest!